Results for 'Sandra Fabiola Guerrero Martínez'

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  1.  20
    Ética y educación en Pandemia. Ensayo crítico, reflexiones desde un caso en Ecuador.Sandra Fabiola Guerrero Martínez - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:89-106.
    Primer trimestre 2020, aislamiento social por Pandemia. Había que redimensionar la educación telepresencial. Seguir siendo maestros por vocación y decisión, formando ciudadanos para un mundo sin precedente. Nuevas exigencias de planificación para logros efectivos de aprendizaje. Actividades sincrónicas, asincrónicas y autónomas, convirtiendo el aula en una hiperaula, hiperconectada. El modelo constructivista, pedagogías innovadoras, didácticas colaborativas y dialógicas serían ensambladas desde la telemática, para validarlas como buenas prácticas, con el propósito de seguir formando alumnos que logren sus propios constructos cognitivos significativos (...)
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    Reseña de la primera publicación de la Ibero de 1943.Francisco Galán Vélez & Luis Ignacio Guerrero Martínez - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 56 (156):210-213.
    Con ocasión del 80 aniversario de la Universidad Iberoamericana y de su Departamento de Filosofía hemos querido recuperar y comentar uno de los dos primeros libros que se publicaron en lo que entonces se llamaba Centro Cultural Universitario. El libro que nos ocupa es fiel testimonio de la época en que fue publicado. Las conferencias del padre jesuita Ledit son ejemplo de la manera de entender la historia moderna y contemporánea de muchos pensadores católicos preconciliares. La cristiandad medieval había realizado (...)
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    Religiosity, Spirituality and Work: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Directions.Sandra Leonara Obregon, Luis Felipe Dias Lopes, Fabiola Kaczam, Claudimar Pereira da Veiga & Wesley Vieira da Silva - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (2):573-595.
    This article presents the results of a systematic literature review on religiosity and spirituality, particularly in the work context. We aimed to verify the state-of-the-art of scientific production related to these themes. To achieve the proposed objective, we identified 312 articles published in journals in the period between 1960 and 2018 using a rigourous method of analysis and sorting, which resulted in 52 appropriate studies. The analyses presented are based on the three bibliometric laws: those of Lotka, Bradford and Zipf. (...)
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  4. Deberes, derechos y garantías del contribuyente en los procedimientos de repetición de pago y recuperación de tributos.Fabiola Guerrero, Mana Govea & Maigualida Jiménez - 2004 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 6 (3):443-459.
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  5. Consideraciones sobre la relación jurídica tributaria en venezuela.Francisco Antonio Maya Marín & Fabiola Guerrero Govea - 2013 - Civitas: Revista de Ciencias Juridicas, Politicas y Sociales 1 (1):1-17.
    La relación existente entre el Estado y los ciudadanos remonta épocas antiguas, donde se le exigía la contribución para el pago de los gastos de la monarquía, con el desarrollo del hombre moderno nace la Relación Jurídica Tributaria, donde esta representa la personificación tanto de la potestad de imposición como del deber de contribución, mejor conocidos y aceptados como Sujeto Activo y Sujeto Pasivo, a través de las distintas acepciones, en tal sentido se analiza esta relación a la luz del (...)
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  6.  22
    Beyond the School Walls: Keeping Interactive Learning Environments Alive in Confinement for Students in Special Education.Garazi Álvarez-Guerrero, Ane López de Aguileta, Sandra Racionero-Plaza & Lirio Gissela Flores-Moncada - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying safety measures, including confinement, has meant an unprecedented challenge for the world population today. However, it has entailed additional difficulties for specific populations, including children and people with disabilities. Being out of school for months has reduced the learning opportunities for many children, such as those with less academic resources at home or with poorer technological connectivity. For students with disabilities, it has entailed losing the quality of the special attention they often need, in (...)
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    Los Derechos de la Infancia y El Papel de Las Familias En Su Protección: Perspectiva Ética y Jurídica.Olaya Fernández Guerrero, María Isabel Martínez López, Remedios Álvarez Terán, Noelia Barbed Castrejón & Iratxe Suberviola Ovejas - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-24.
    Los derechos de la infancia son de formulación reciente, y hasta el siglo XX no surgen los primeros intentos de reconocerlos y regularlos. Además de revisar los textos jurídicos que formulan y protegen esos derechos a nivel mundial, este estudio promueve una lectura filosófica de los derechos de la infancia y del papel de las familias con respecto a esos derechos. La ética del cuidado proporciona un marco de reflexión muy oportuno para plantear la responsabilidad ética que las familias, y (...)
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  8.  32
    Irony and Reductio ad Absurdum as a Methodological Strategy in Plato’s Meno.Luis Guerrero Martínez - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 49 (143):127-154.
    El Menón es un buen ejemplo del uso de la ironía socrática como forma de refutación. Específicamente, la forma lógica de reducción al absurdo constituye un dispositivo muy relacionado con la ironía socrática. En este artículo, se examinan analíticamente los cuatro elementos de la ironía que se presentan en el diálogo: 1. el conocimiento falso como una posición inicial asumida por los interlocutores de Sócrates; 2. la igno­ rancia socrática; 3. la reducción al absurdo del falso saber inicial; y 4. (...)
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  9.  21
    Current Overview of Scientific Production Associated with Governance in University: A Bibliometric Analysis.Edgar German Martínez, Elizabeth Sánchez Vázquez, Fernando Augusto Poveda Aguja, Lugo Manuel Barbosa Guerrero & Edgar Olmedo Cruz Mican - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):37-46.
    The main objective of this research is to identify the current panorama of scientific production associated with governance in university institutions. A bibliometric analysis was developed in Scopus using R Core Team 2022-Bibliometrix and Vosviewer software. The results highlight the countries with the highest productivity in the topic of study, with the most representative authors favoring the understanding of governance. The main thematic clusters stand out. It recognizes the role of university governance and its migration to direct spaces and the (...)
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    Perspective of Governance in University Institutions in Virtual Digital Environments.Edgar German Martínez, Elizabeth Sánchez Vázquez, Fernando Augusto Poveda Aguja, Lugo Manuel Barbosa Guerrero & Edgar Olmedo Cruz Mican - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):71-81.
    Study was born in the construction of problem concepts in the deployment of a governance strategy in institutions under digital environments, a technical position of understanding from South America is raised, the initial hypothesis of knowing aspects and determining requirements, an efficient model of governance can be achieved from the use and application of ICT, which allow to argue the as of the process, The use ICT, TAC, TEP as change managers in virtuality, to interact in a disruptive way, the (...)
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  11.  22
    Between Tyranny and Self-Interest.David Guerrero & Julio Martínez-Cava Aguilar - 2022 - Theoria 69 (171):140-171.
    The first contribution of this article is a politico-philosophical map that, drawing upon two common sets of arguments against modern natural rights, might help to explain the prevailing neo-republican position on natural rights. Under the label ‘abstraction argument’, we explore the view that natural rights are a metaphysical construct that usually ends in a violent application of speculative principles to society. Under ‘self-interest argument’, we discuss the notion that natural rights endorse an atomistic and selfish conception of the human being. (...)
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  12. Kierkegaard-Derrida: el silencio como contrapunto de la filosofía.Luis Guerrero Martínez - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 37 (113):101-120.
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  13. La belleza en la naturaleza: un ensayo sobre la teoría de la evolución de Darwin.Luis Guerrero Martínez - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 42 (128):67-74.
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  14. La construcción del discurso estético. Heidegger y la "esencia de la poesía".Luis Guerrero Martínez - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 39 (118):65-74.
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    La repetición desesperada y fallida. Una comparación de La repetición de Kierkegaard y Los sufrimientos del joven Werther de Goethe.Luis Guerrero Martínez - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:385-416.
    One of the most complex and, at the same time, most important philosophical categories in Kierkegaard’s thought is that of “repetition”. To this notion Kierkegaard devotes one of his first pseudonymous works, namely, Repetition, by Constantin Constantius. This paper, firstly, explores the concept of “desperate and failed repetition” that plays an important role in Kierkegaardian irony. Secondly, it shows some parallel aspects found in Repetition and in Goethe’s novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther; this connection allows for a better understanding (...)
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  16. La teoría existencial de la historia. Un análisis del siglo XX.Luis Guerrero Martínez - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 40 (122):17-26.
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  17. La vida se abre paso más allá de la razón: "La ciudadela" de Saint-Exupéry.Luis Guerrero Martínez - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 42 (129):19-31.
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    Algoritmos voraces.Guillermo Roberto Solarte Martínez & Luís Eduardo Muñoz Guerrero - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Kraeplin, the classificatory challenge, and other anti-narrative scripts.Sandra Caponi & Ángel Martínez-Hernáez - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (3):467-489.
    En este artículo, nos proponemos analizar el horizonte epistemológico sobre el que se construye la psiquiatría de Kraepelin, particularmente su posición frente al problema de los criterios de clasificación de las enfermedades mentales, que fue un tema ampliamente discutido por la psiquiatría mundial a fines del siglo XIX. Analizamos de qué modo Kraepelin se vinculaba con el debate de su época sobre la definición de criterios científicos, válidos y objetivos de clasificación de las enfermedades psiquiátricas, para, posteriormente, analizar las consecuencias (...)
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  20. Detección de trastornos alimentarios y su relación con el funcionamiento familiar.Ana Olivia Ruíz Martínez, Sandra Meza Herrera, Martha Gabriela Laredo Ramírez, Diana Yvette Hernández Moreno & Mariana Samantha Rodríguez Hernández - 2007 - Episteme 3 (10).
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    Capacitación Inicial Del Profesorado de Secundaria: Percepciones Del Alumnado En Prácticas.Sandra Arroyo Salgueira, Marcos Jesús Iglesias Martínez & Inés Lozano Cabezas - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-10.
    La capacitación inicial del docente requiere observar y reflexionar sobre la realidad educativa, fundamentando la teoría en la práctica de aula, y desarrollar competencias que posibiliten el desempeño profesional. En este estudio las percepciones de los futuros docentes, del Máster de Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato y Formación Profesional, sobre la calidad de la formación recibida en durante su formación. Los resultados evidencian dificultades en su relación con el alumnado de los centros de prácticas y falta de recursos para elaborar programaciones didácticas. (...)
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  22.  20
    Mediación de la motivación personal, escuela y autoeficacia parental en el rol educativo.Olger Gutiérrez Aguilar, Margaret Mollo León, Fabiola Talavera Mendoza & Sandra Chicaña Huanca - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):311-325.
    Existen diversos factores influyentes en la autoeficacia parental, mediada por la motivación personal de los padres de familia hacia la escuela. Se utilizó el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructuradas de cuadrados mínimos parciales para el análisis. El estudio se realizó con 446 participantes, principalmente mujeres con un 81.2% y hombres con un 18% en tiempos de postpandemia. El estudio concluye que la comunicación con la escuela influye positivamente en la autoeficacia parental y la motivación personal hacia la escuela en los padres (...)
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  23.  27
    Traffic Noise Annoyance in the Population of North Mexico: Case Study on the Daytime Period in the City of Matamoros.Benito Zamorano-González, Fabiola Pena-Cardenas, Yolanda Velázquez-Narváez, Víctor Parra-Sierra, José Ignacio Vargas-Martínez, Oscar Monreal-Aranda & Lucía Ruíz-Ramos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Aim: The presence of noise in urban environments is rarely considered a factor that causes damage to the environment. The primary generating source is transportation means, with vehicles being the ones that affect cities the most. Traffic noise has a particular influence on the quality of life of those who are exposed to it and can cause health alterations ranging from annoyance to cardiovascular diseases. This study aims to describe the relationship between the traffic noise level and the perceived annoyance (...)
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  24.  51
    A concept analysis of professional commitment in nursing.Loreto García-Moyano, Rogelio Altisent, Begoña Pellicer-García, Sandra Guerrero-Portillo, Oihana Arrazola-Alberdi & María Teresa Delgado-Marroquín - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):778-797.
    Background: The concept of professional commitment is being widely studied at present. However, although it is considered an indicator for the most human part of nursing care, there is no clear definition for it, and different descriptors are being used indiscriminately to reference it. Objective: The aim of this study is to clarify the concept of professional commitment in nursing through the Rodgers’ evolutionary concept analysis process. Design: Systematic search using English and Spanish descriptors and concept analysis. Studies published between (...)
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  25.  22
    Vocal Cues to Male Physical Formidability.Alvaro Mailhos, Damián Amaro Egea-Caparrós, Cristina Guerrero Rodríguez, Mario Luzardo, Nansi Dilyanova Kiskimska & Francisco Martínez Sánchez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Animal vocalizations convey important information about the emitter, including sex, age, biological quality, and emotional state. Early on, Darwin proposed that sex differences in auditory signals and vocalizations were driven by sexual selection mechanisms. In humans, studies on the association between male voice attributes and physical formidability have thus far reported mixed results. Hence, with a view to furthering our understanding of the role of human voice in advertising physical formidability, we sought to identify acoustic attributes of male voices associated (...)
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  26.  32
    El lenguaje del ser: de Ibn Sina a Mulla Sandra.RafaelRamón Guerrero - 2001 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 14:113-127.
  27.  21
    El lenguaje del ser: de Ibn Sina a Mulla Sandra.Ramón Guerrero - 2001 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 14:113-127.
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  28. Familles, je vous aime. Politique et vie privée áa l'âge de la mondialisation. Familia y amor: un alegato a favor de la vida privada/. [REVIEW]Luc Ferry & Sandra Chaparro Martínez - forthcoming - Pensamiento.
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    Experiences and Challenges of Inclusive Education in Higher Education.Mayra Solanye Galindo Huertas, Sandra Lorena Herrera Giraldo, Flor Deisy Arenas Castro & Deisy Marcela Martínez Sánchez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:615-635.
    This study explores the experiences and challenges of students with hearing impairment in a Colombian university within the framework of inclusive education. Through a qualitative approach, the perceptions of students and their caregivers regarding admission policies, academic participation, and institutional and curricular environments were analyzed. The findings indicate that, although inclusion policies exist, they are not fully effective, presenting significant barriers to the access and participation of deaf students, such as insufficient availability of qualified interpreters, lack of curricular adjustments, and (...)
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    Psychological Violence and Interculturality: A Correlational Study of Psychological Violence and Ethnic Identification at the Universidad Técnica del Norte-Ibarra.Elmer Meneses-Salazar, Pablo Buitrón-Jácome, Marco Hernández-Martínez, Sandra Elizabeth Álvarez Ramos, Oscar Vladimir Garrido-Rocha, Jorge-Elías Rivadeneira & Alexandra Mina - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:717-732.
    This study aimed to identify the level of psychological violence in ethnic relationships among students of the National Academic Leveling System (SNNA, derived from Spanish) at Universidad Técnica del Norte (UTN). The research is quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational due to the interaction observed between the variables associated with psychological violence and ethnic identification. A survey of 12 Likert-type questions was applied to students aged 17 years and older, encompassing both men and women representing different ethnicities. The sampling approach was probabilistic (...)
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  31. Guerrero, Luis Juan Que es la belleza y otros ensayos, Buenos Aires, Biblos, 155 páginas.César Martinez Cerutti - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía 19 (22):228-233.
    Se trata de una reseña bibliográfica del libro de Guerrero, Luis Juan Que es la belleza y otros ensayos, Buenos Aires, Biblos.
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  32. (1 other version)Meaning in Life Mediates Between Emotional Deregulation and Eating Disorders Psychopathology: A Research From the Meaning-Making Model of Eating Disorders.Jose H. Marco, Montserrat Cañabate, Cristina Martinez, Rosa M. Baños, Verónica Guillen & Sandra Perez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Emotional dysregulation, age, gender, and obesity are transdiagnostic risk factors for the development and maintenance of eating disorders. Previous studies found that patients with ED had less meaning in life than the non-clinical population, and that meaning in life acted as a buffer in the course of ED; however, to the data, there are no studies about the mediator role of meaning in life in association between the emotional dysregulation and the ED psychopathology.Objective: To analyze the mediating role of meaning (...)
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    Endogenous knowledge and practice regarding the environment in a Nahua community in Mexico.Paul Hersch-Martínez, Lilián González-Chévez & Andrés Fierro Alvarez - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (2/3):127-137.
    We expose some representations and practices related to the natural environment among Nahua peasants in a village located at the western boundary of Puebla and Guerrero states, in Mexico. Information was obtained by individual interviews and focal groups' work, following an open guide with ecological items considered as rooted in Mesoamerican cultures. The use of some local, vegetal resources, and the local perception of changes, mainly in the water availability, is documented. Survival strategies involve ancestral representations and material products, (...)
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    Peter Burke, Hibridismo Cultural, Ediciones Akal, Madrid, 2010 (Trad. Sandra Chaparro Martínez) 158 p.Jorge Brower Beltramin - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 32.
    Peter Burke, uno de los historiadores de la cultura más notables de las últimas décadas, nos entrega en este texto, un ensayo teórico iluminador y sugerente en torno a uno de los fenómenos frecuentemente analizados en estos tiempos de globalización: el hibridismo cultural.Antes de referirnos a la arquitectura conceptual de este magnífico ensayo teórico es necesario hacer una referencia al estudio preliminar realizado por la profesora María José del Río Barredo para la edición en español de..
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  35. Life Embodied: The Promise of Vital Force in Spanish Modernity.Nicolás Fernández-Medina - 2018 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The concept of vital force – the immanent energy that promotes the processes of life in the body and in nature – has proved a source of endless fascination and controversy. Indeed, the question of what vitalizes the body has haunted humanity since antiquity, and became even more pressing during the Scientific Revolution and beyond. Examining the complexities and theories about vital force in Spanish modernity, Nicolás Fernández-Medina's Life Embodied offers a novel and provocative assessment of the question of bodily (...)
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  36. Pragmatic laws.Sandra D. Mitchell - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):479.
    Beatty, Brandon, and Sober agree that biological generalizations, when contingent, do not qualify as laws. Their conclusion follows from a normative definition of law inherited from the Logical Empiricists. I suggest two additional approaches: paradigmatic and pragmatic. Only the pragmatic represents varying kinds and degrees of contingency and exposes the multiple relationships found among scientific generalizations. It emphasizes the function of laws in grounding expectation and promotes the evaluation of generalizations along continua of ontological and representational parameters. Stability of conditions (...)
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  37.  29
    Can Theories be Refuted?: Essays on the Duhem-Quine Thesis.Sandra Harding - 1975 - Reidel.
    According to a view assumed by many scientists and philosophers of science and standardly found in science textbooks, it is controlled ex perience which provides the basis for distinguishing between acceptable and unacceptable theories in science: acceptable theories are those which can pass empirical tests. It has often been thought that a certain sort of test is particularly significant: 'crucial experiments' provide supporting empiri cal evidence for one theory while providing conclusive evidence against another. However, in 1906 Pierre Duhem argued (...)
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    Sex and Scientific Inquiry.Sandra G. Harding & Jean F. O'Barr - 1987
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    Parallel Universes: Companies, Academics, and the Progress of Corporate Citizenship.Sandra Waddock - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (1):5-42.
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    Anselm.Sandra Visser & Thomas Williams - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Thomas Williams.
    The reason of faith -- Thought and language -- Truth -- The Monologion arguments for the existence of God -- The Proslogion argument for the existence of God -- The divine attributes -- Thinking and speaking about God -- Creation and the word -- The Trinity -- Modality -- Freedom -- Morality -- Incarnation and atonement -- Original sin, grace, and salvation.
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    Knowledge in context: representations, community, and culture.Sandra Jovchelovitch - 2007 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This authored book provides an innovative and systematic account of key debates within the social psychology of knowledge, using the theory of social representations as a guide. This account is then elaborated and integrated into a conceptually coherent theoretical framework to further the social psychological dimensions of the relationship between representations, knowledge and context. Jovchelovitch highlights the social psychological components of the process of knowledge formation and their impact in the constitution of communities, culture and public spheres. Whilst this exploration (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Is Science Multicultural? Postcolonialisms, Feminisms and Epistemologies.Sandra Harding - 2000 - Human Studies 23 (3):325-332.
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  43. Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science.Sandra G. Harding & Merrill B. Hintikka (eds.) - 2003 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This collection of essays, first published two decades ago, presents central feminist critiques and analyses of natural and social sciences and their philosophies. Unfortunately, in spite of the brilliant body of research and scholarship in these fields in subsequent decades, the insights of these essays remain as timely now as they were then: philosophy and the sciences still presume kinds of social innocence to which they are not entitled. The essays focus on Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hobbes, Rousseau, and Marx; on (...)
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    Finding Your Voice in the Streets: Street Art and Epistemic Injustice.Sandra Bacharach - 2018 - The Monist 101 (1):31-43.
    I argue that activists have co-opted street art as a tool for addressing epistemic injustices, injustices that result from negative identity prejudices that silence certain groups of people unfairly. To defend this claim, I explore the special nature of street art that makes it an especially appropriate tool for activists to enlist in the fight against epistemic injustices. From there, I will examine in detail two case studies which illustrate how street art is used to respond to and correct for (...)
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    Anosmic peer review: A rose by another name is evidently not a rose.Sandra Scarr - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):237-238.
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    The Animals Issue: Moral Theory in Practice.Sandra Marshall - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (179):254-256.
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    Why We Need Ordinary Language Philosophy.Sandra Laugier - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Drawing on J. L. Austin and the later works of Ludwig Wittgenstein, she argues for the solution provided by ordinary language philosophy—a philosophy that trusts and utilizes the everyday use of language and the clarity of meaning it ...
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    Science and Social Inequality: Feminist and Postcolonial Issues.Sandra Harding - 2006 - University of Illinois Press.
    Rethinking the ways modern science encodes destructive political philosophies.
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    Editorial: Special Issue Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: ‘Sport and Psychoanalysis’.Sandra Meeuwsen - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):1-6.
    ‘Cause of a Lust for LifeI got a Lust for LifeGot a Lust for LifeOh, a Lust for Life’Iggy Pop, 1977Why this Special Issue on Sport & Psychoanalysis, a still relatively little explored approach in c...
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    Logic from Kant to Russell.Sandra Lapointe (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    The scope and method of logic as we know it today eminently reflect the ground-breaking developments of set theory and the logical foundations of mathematics at the turn of the 20th century. Unfortunately, little effort has been made to understand the idiosyncrasies of the philosophical context that led to these tremendous innovations in the 19thcentury beyond what is found in the works of mathematicians such as Frege, Hilbert, and Russell. This constitutes a monumental gap in our understanding of the central (...)
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